Legal Name Change | Names Plus

Legal Name Change

This is the official term for anyone changing their name for personal reasons. Maybe we should call it: The New Me Name Change

If you are changing your name and it is not after marriage (except if you got married overseas) or after divorce (except if you want a new name as opposed to reverting to your maiden name), then the process you go through is the legal name change (aka The New Me Name Change).

The Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages (BDM for short which almost sounds a little bit naughty) are the gatekeepers of names. You apply to BDM to change your name, give them some reason why and, usually, they issue you with a Name Change Certificate.

By the way, the people at BDM are great and really helpful.

You will need a legal name change if:

  • you were married overseas
  • you have separated or divorced and want a new name
  • you want to change or modify your first name
  • you are transgender and want to change your first name
  • you want to change the name of a child (under 18 years)
  • you want to change your family name for personal reasons


If you want to do it yourself, then download our NamePlus Kit for the 2020s (coming soon)

If you need help getting started, then our Personalised Plan is for you

But to get it done and get it done quickly, then jump to our 7-Day Blitz


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